Play vs Node

The Play Framework takes a functional programming approach to stream processing (e.g. Comet, chunked responses, WebSockets) by using abstractions called Iteratees, Enumerators, and Enumeratees. When I originally tried to wrap my head around Iteratees, I found that the existing documentation and sample apps were fairly confusing and ineffective for getting started. Since teaching is often the best way to learn, I decided to write a blog post as a way to become more comfortable with functional I/O.

On the JavaScript side of the world, node.js and take an imperative programming approach for stream processing by using the EventEmitter API. I’ve found this imperative approach easy to learn, so for this blog post, I’ll show a side by side comparison of the imperative and functional techniques for each example. The focus of the post will be on WebSockets, including a basic “hello world” example, an echo server, and a simple chat application.

Note: I’ll only implement server-side code in this post. You can test your server without writing any client-side code by using the WebSocket echo client on and giving it a URL like ws://localhost:9000/some-path.

Producer, consumer, adapter

Terms like Iteratee, Enumerator, and Enumeratee can be confusing, so let’s start by trying to define them using normal human terms:

  1. Enumerator: every time you hear Enumerator, think “producer”. This is the thing that pumps out chunks of data.
  2. Iteratee: every time you hear Iteratee, think “consumer”. They are the inverse of the Java Iterator: in an Iterator, you call next to request a chunk of data; in an Iteratee, you define a fold method that reacts to each chunk of data (inversion of control).
  3. Enumeratee: every time you hear Enumeratee, think “adapter”. Enumeratees can be attached in front of Iteratees to modify the data streaming through them.
Iteratee analogy

A “hello world” example

Let’s start with a simple “hello world” WebSocket example. The first step is accepting a WebSocket connection.

In, you do this by listening for a connection event with io.sockets.on:

var io = require('').listen(80);
io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {
  console.log("Someone just connected!");

In Play, you create a WebSocket Action and return an Enumerator that is used to send messages to the client and Iteratee that is used to react to messages from the client. For this first version, we’ll just use an Enumerator and Iteratee that do nothing.

object Socket extends Controller {
  def connect = WebSocket.using[String] { request =>"Someone just connected!")
    // For this first example, we return an Iteratee and 
    // Enumerator that do nothing
    (Iteratee.ignore, Enumerator.empty)

You’ll need to expose this WebSocket endpoint in your routes file:

GET    /connect    controllers.Socket.connect

You can now use the URL ws://localhost:9000/connect in the WebSocket echo client on You should be able to connect, though you won’t see anything interesting quite yet.

Next, let’s see how we could send a message to the client. In, the socket object has an emit method:

var io = require('').listen(80);
io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {
  console.log("Someone just connected!");
  // Send a message to the client
  socket.emit('message', "Hello!");

To send a message to a client in Play, we’ll replace the empty Enumerator from the first example with an Enumerator that contains our message. Remember, the Enumerator is the “producer”, so it’s responsible for pumping down any data we want to send to the client.

The Enumerator companion object has handy methods to create an Enumerator from a File, InputStream, OutputStream, a Future, and, as we’ll use in this case, an apply method to create an Enumerator from a fixed set of data:

object Socket extends Controller {
  def connect = WebSocket.using[String] { request =>"Someone just connected!")
    // Create an Enumerator that sends a message to the 
    // client
    val enumerator = Enumerator("Hello!")
    (Iteratee.ignore, enumerator)

Finally, let’s log any messages we get from the client. In, we can do this by listening for messages with the socket.on method:

var io = require('').listen(80);
io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {
  console.log("Someone just connected!");
  // Send a message to the client
  socket.emit('message', "Hello!");
  // Listen for messages from the client
  socket.on('message', function (message) {
    console.log("Got message: " + message);

In Play, the Iteratee we return in the WebSocket Action is the “consumer”, so it’s responsible for reacting to any messages from the client. You can implement an Iteratee from scratch, but the Iteratee companion object has many methods that simplify the common cases, including consume (which consumes and concatenates all the data), head (consume just the first chunk of data), and foreach, which fires a provided callback for each chunk of data. In this case, we’ll use foreach and pass it a function that logs each message:

object Socket extends Controller {
  def connect = WebSocket.using[String] { request =>"Someone just connected!")
    // Create an Enumerator that sends a message to the 
    // client
    val enumerator = Enumerator("Hello!")
    // Create an Iteratee that listens for messages from
    // the client
    val iteratee = Iteratee.foreach[String] { msg =>"Got message $msg")
    (iteratee, enumerator)

If you reconnect to your WebSocket using the test tool, you should now see the message “Hello!”. If you send some messages from the webpage, they should show up in your Play console.

Not bad, right? The main take aways are:

  1. Use the WebSocket.using method to define an Action that can accept WebSocket connections
  2. Return an Iteratee that knows how to consume messages from the client
  3. Return an Enumerator that knows how to produce messages for the client

An echo server with some filtering

Let’s go a tiny bit further and create an echo server: that is, a server that echoes back any messages it gets from the client.

This is easy to do in by combining socket.on and socket.emit:

var io = require('').listen(80);
io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {
  console.log("Someone just connected!");
  // Echo back messages from the client
  socket.on('message', function (message) {
    console.log("Got message: " + message);
    socket.emit('message', message);

Creating an Enumerator and Iteratee that are “joined” is strangely complicated to do from scratch in Play. Fortunately, Play has an object called Concurrent that contains several methods to create Enumerators and Iteratees that are connected in various ways. For example, the Concurrent.joined function gives us an echo WebSocket in one line:

object Socket extends Controller {
  def connect = WebSocket.using[String] { request =>"Someone just connected!")

Try it out in the browser by reconnecting from Any message you send should be echoed back and show up in the log on the webpage.

Let’s make this example a little more interesting and filter the data we echo back. First, let’s just modify each message by adding some text to it before echoing it back.

The imperative approach used in means you have to modify the actual listener function (the callback for socket.on) to accomplish this:

var io = require('').listen(80);
io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {
  console.log("Someone just connected!");
  // Echo back messages from the client
  socket.on('message', function (message) {
    console.log("Got message: " + message);
    socket.emit('message', formatMessage(message));
function formatMessage(message) {
  return "[echo] " + message;

n Play, we can accomplish the same thing without having to modify the internals of the Concurrent.joined code. Since we have an actual value (the Iteratee) instead of just some side-effect function (the callback passed to socket.on), we can use functional composition to modify the Iteratee before returning it. To do that, we’ll create an Enumeratee, which, as you may remember from above, is an adapter: we’ll attach it in front of our Iteratee to modify the data before the Iteratee consumes it.

The Enumeratee companion object has several convenience methods for creating Enumeratees: we’ll first use, which let’s you transform each chunk of data:

object Socket extends Controller {
  // Generic, reusable adapter code that adds a prefix
  // to each message
  val formatMessage =[String] { msg =>
    s"[echo]: $msg"
  def connect = WebSocket.using[String] { request =>"Someone just connected!")
    val (iteratee, enumerator) = Concurrent.joined[String]
    // Apply the formatMessage adapter to the iteratee
    (formatMessage.apply(iteratee), enumerator)

The advantage of composition becomes even more apparent if we want to do some fancier filtering. For example, let’s only echo back messages that aren’t empty and contain non-whitespace characters.

With, we have to make an even larger modification to the contents of the socket.on callback function. This is easy to do in single, simple example, but this would get more complicated across many examples in a large application.

var io = require('').listen(80);
io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {
  console.log("Someone just connected!");
  // Echo back messages from the client
  socket.on('message', function (message) {
    console.log("Got message: " + message);
    if (isValidMessage(message)) {
      socket.emit('message', formatMessage(message));
function formatMessage(message) {
  return "[echo] " + message;
function isValidMessage(message) {
  return message.trim().length > 0;

In Play, we can simply add another Enumeratee to validate the content and compose it with the previous one. We’ll create this Enumeratee using the collect method, which only allows data to pass through it if it matches one of the cases for the PartialFunction you pass in:

object Socket extends Controller {
  // Generic, reusable adapter code that adds a prefix
  // to each message
  val formatMessage =[String] { msg =>
    s"[echo]: $msg"
  // Use Enumeratee.collect to only pass through messages that
  // are not empty and contain non-whitespace characters
  val validateMessage = Enumeratee.collect[String] {
    case valid if !valid.trim.isEmpty => valid
  // We can compose multiple Enumeratees together into a single
  // Enumeratee
  val filters = formatMessage.compose(validateMessage)
  def connect = WebSocket.using[String] { request =>"Someone just connected!")
    val (iteratee, enumerator) = Concurrent.joined[String]
    // Apply the filters to the iteratee
    (filters.apply(iteratee), enumerator)

You’ll often run across Enumeratee code that uses operators instead of the function names. The ><> operator (fish?) composes two Enumeratees and the &> applies an Enumeratee to an Iteratee:

val e1: Enumeratee[String, String] = ...
val e2: Enumeratee[String, String] = ...
val e3: Enumeratee[String, String] = ...
val iteratee: Iteratee[String, String] = ...
// Compose the 3 Enumeratees together and apply the result to
// the Iteratee to get a new Iteratee
val filteredIteratee = e1 ><> e2 ><> e3 &> iteratee

The operators do allow you to drop lots of parens in your code, but personally, I find the operators hard to remember and impossible to google. Therefore, I believe that in this case, they lead to code that is optimized for writing instead of reading, which is a bad trade off. I recommend sticking with the full function names.

Main take aways from this section:

  1. Use the methods in the Concurrent object to create Iteratees and Enumerators that are connected. We’ll see another example of this in the next section.
  2. Create and compose Enumeratees when you need to modify the stream of data going into your Iteratees.

A chat server

As a final example, let’s put together a simple WebSocket chat server that just handles a few basic tasks:

  1. Send a message to all clients when a user connects or disconnects
  2. Each time a message is received from a client, send it out to all other clients

Here is the version:

var io = require('').listen(80);
var usersId = 0
io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {
  var username = "user" + userId;
  broadcastMessage("system", username + " just connected!");
  socket.on('message', function (message) {
    broadcastMessage(username, message);
  socket.on('disconnect', function () {
    broadcastMessage("system", username + " disconnected");
// Send a message to every connected client
function broadcastMessage(username, message) {
  io.sockets.emit('message', "[" + username + "]: " + message);

And here is the Play version:

object Socket extends Controller {
  // Concurrent.broadcast creates an Enumerator and Channel that
  // let us imperatively push messages to many Iteratees
  lazy val (enumerator, channel) = Concurrent.broadcast[String]
  val userId = new AtomicLong(0) 
  def connect = WebSocket.using[String] { request =>
    val username = s"user${userId.incrementAndGet()}"
    broadcastMessage("system", s"$username connected!")
    val iteratee = 
        .foreach[String](msg => broadcastMessage(username, msg)
        .map(_ => broadcastMessage("system", s"$username disconnected"))
    (iteratee, enumerator)
  def broadcastMessage(username: String, message: String): Unit = {
    channel.push(s"[$username]: $message")

There are two new things to learn from this code:

  1. We are using Concurrent.broadcast to create an Enumerator and Channel that can be shared across all WebSocket connections. Channel is a new class specifically built to push messages to multiple Iteratees (ie, multiple clients). Interestingly, it is an imperative abstraction, where you just call a push method for its side-effect.
  2. The map method on the Iteratee will fire when the Iteratee is done; for WebSockets, this happens when the client disconnects, an event we capture and broadcast to all clients.

If you open the echo page in two separate tabs and start sending messages, you should see the messages showing up in the log in both tabs, prefixed with [user1]: or [user2]: . You should also see messages when a client connects or disconnects.

Final thoughts

I’m still learning my way around Iteratees, so I welcome any corrections, suggestions, or other feedback. If you’ve come across other good tutorials and examples, please share them!

I must admit that I have some lingering doubts about Iteratees as the primary means of working with streams of data in Play. They seem to be a powerful abstraction—interleaving and modifying streams on the fly is especially cool—but the degree of complexity is very high; the sparse documentation and large vocabulary of strange method names (unfoldM, fromCallback1, joinConcatI, ><>) only make it worse.

Just about anyone can get rolling with in a matter of minutes, whereas most people take several tries across several days to grok Iteratees. Functional programming often offers a high cost to high reward trade-off, but the ratio with Iteratees is extreme. Moreover, it seems like you end up with an imperative approach for many use cases anyway, such as the Channel object returned by Concurrent.broadcast.

I’d also argue that the vocabulary of Iteratees does not clearly convey the intent of the code. Look at the two chat server examples above: which one reads more clearly? In my opinion, socket.on and socket.emit make it crystal clear what the code is trying to do. On the other hand, Iteratee.foreach and do not. The latter feels more like I’m trying to make the tools do what I want, whereas in the former, I’m clearly dealing with the actual problem space.

Iteratees are a fairly general tool, so perhaps they should be reserved for low-level, advanced functionality, while some simpler, use-case specific abstractions are available for most common use cases? For example, maybe we just need a good equivalent for Play built on top of Iteratees? I’ve seen and atmosphere-play, but I’m not sure if they are stable, maintained, tested, documented, or high quality. If anyone has experience with these libraries, let me know!